The construction of the Rail Baltica Ülemiste joint terminal has begun

In mid-October, extensive work commenced on one of the most significant sites for Rail Baltica, the construction of the Ülemiste passenger terminal.

Although Anvar Salomets, the Chairman of Rail Baltic Estonia, project implementing body in Estonia, acknowledges that the dismantling of the old 1520mm railway took slightly longer than expected, there is now ample space at the planned construction site, allowing the construction of the Ülemiste terminal’s railway infrastructure and substructures to begin.

Construction works have begun

“The first phase of the Ülemiste terminal construction has begun, and it marks the start of a long journey in transforming the wasteland between Suur-Sõjamäe and Peterburi maantee into a new international gateway for Tallinn and all of Estonia,” Salomets said.

In the first phase of the Ülemiste passenger terminal, the construction works of the railway’s underground load-bearing structures will be carried out, also the technical rooms of the underground floor and other technological rooms of the railway will be built. Additionally, three tunnels will be built, providing pedestrians and cyclists with an easier and safer way to cross under the railway, significantly improving connectivity in the area compared to the present.

Regarding the construction works of the first stage, the contract was signed in April of this year, and the volume of the contract is 45 million euros financed up to 85% by European Union funds.

Subsequent phases for the Ülemiste terminal will include the construction of public areas, roads, streets, parking lots, and a tram line that is currently in the design phase. Rail Baltic Estonia plans to announce a construction tender for the terminal building next year.

Ülemiste passenger terminal (visualisation)

Salomets believes that the increasing construction volumes for Rail Baltica development will help infrastructure companies stay afloat even when road construction budgets have decreased. “If we compare, for example, the year 2020 with the current year, it is clear that we have significantly increased the pace of both procurement announcements and construction, which is both a recognition of our team and the well-performing contractors,” Salomets said.

Currently, there are more than 10 major railway crossing construction projects in progress, and five crossings are undergoing preliminary work to start construction. In addition, the procurement procedures for six facilities have been completed and the signing of contracts awaits. The total financial volume of the construction of the mentioned facilities is more than 80 million euros, plus 3 more facilities, for which Rail Baltic Estonia hopes to reach an agreement this year.

More visualisations of the Ülemiste passenger terminal available here.