Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority in Estonia has issued the first permit for the construction of the Rail Baltica mainline

The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority in Estonia on July 21 issued a construction permit for the Rail Baltica railway line in the Kohila section. The route is divided into project sections, the issued construction permit authorizes construction works on the main route, which is about 9.4 km long, starting from the border of Harju and Rapla counties to the section between Lohu and Mälivere.

On this section, the first local facilities have been completed so far, the most important of which are the Lohne and Urge eco-roads and the Tagadi and Künka viaducts. “The issued construction permit is a significant step for Estonia in achieving high-speed rail connections. While until now the construction work of Rail Baltica has been focused on viaducts and ecoducts, it is now possible to start work on the main rail line. We will continue to work together to create a fast and environmentally friendly rail connection to Europe,” said CEO at Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority in Estonia Kristi Talving.

“A fast connection to Europe has been Estonia’s goal since the time of Lennart Meri. Such logistic routes are necessary for economic development and security, and the high-speed rail connection will take some of the load in the form of freight and passengers off the roads, thus preserving nature and the climate. This is a historic moment – the first permit for the construction of the main highway Rail Baltica has been issued in Estonia . Just as in people’s lives, those you are connected to are of key importance; so it is in Estonia – a fast and climate-friendly connection to Europe is a landmark and essential for our development,” said Kristen Michal, Minister of Climate.

A tender for the construction of the section of the railway that has been granted a construction permit is currently underway led by Rail Baltic Estonia OÜ, and after a successful tender, construction is scheduled to begin in the second half of 2024.