RB Rail AS announces Procurement “Study on climate change impact assessment for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of Rail Baltica railway” (identification No RBR 2018/7)
The contracting authority RB Rail AS, registration number 40103845025, registered address: Kr. Valdemara iela 8 – 7, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia, organises procurement in accordance with Article 9 of Public Procurement Law of Republic of Latvia: “Study on climate change impact assessment for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of Rail Baltica railway”.
The identification number of this procurement is: RBR 2018/7.
Main CPV code: 71000000-8 (Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services);
Additional CPV code: 71300000-1 (Engineering services).
The Procurement and subject matter is co-financed by Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and Contracting Authority.
Subject Matter of the Procurement
The aim of Study on climate change impact assessment for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of Rail Baltica railway (hereinafter – the Study) is aimed to identify climate change associated risks for the design, construction, maintenance and operations of Rail Baltica railway. Furthermore, the study shall assess pre-designed infrastructure vulnerability and propose feasible climate change adaptation measures for the railway design, construction and operation phases. Aim of the Study is to help manage the additional risks arising from climate change, consider how Rail Baltica project is vulnerable to climate variability and change, assess current and future climate risks to the success of the project, identify and appraise relevant and cost-effective adaptation options to build climate resilience, and integrate adaptation measures (resilience measures) into Rail Baltica project lifecycle.
Availability of the Procurement Documents
The Procurement regulation and all its annexes are available at the Contracting authority’s Internet webpage https://www.railbaltica.org/tenders/. Regulation of the Procurement is available free of charge.
Submission of Proposals
Proposal for participation in the Procurement shall be submitted personally, by courier or mail to the RB Rail AS, Kr. Valdemara iela 8 – 7 (4th floor), Riga, LV-1010, Latvia. A Proposal shall be submitted not later than by 6 July 2018, till 11:00 o’clock.
Opening of Proposals
The opening of Proposals takes place during an open meeting of the procurement commission at 11:00 o’clock on 6 July 2018, at RB Rail AS, Kr. Valdemara street 8 – 7 (4th Floor), Riga, LV-1010.
Contact persons of Company
In administrative aspects of the Open Competition: Procurement specialist, Baiba Ūbele, telephone: +371 26273973, e-mail address: [email protected], [email protected];
In aspects concerning subject-matter of procurement: Lauris Ivanovs, telephone +371 20222052, e-mail address: [email protected].
The Procurement Documents (Downloads)
- The Procurement “Study on climate change impact assessment for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of Rail Baltica railway”, ID No RBR 2018/7, Regulation (download).
- MS Word format Annexes (Annex #1, Annex #2, Annex #3, Annex #4, Annex #5, Annex #6, Annex #7).
- Answer to question from interested supplier, 19 June 2018 (download)
- Proposal opening sheet (download)
- Decision, 21 August 2018 (download)
- Contract (download), (download)