Romas Švedas

Member of the Supervisory Board

Romas Švedas has an extensive experience in international economic relations and development of international energy and transport infrastructure projects, corporate governance and work of international institutions, like the EU and UN.

In addition to his duties at RB Rail, R.Švedas is Associate Professor of Practice at Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University, Board Member at AB Lietuvos geležinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways), Head of Management at the Public Institution Governance Coordination Center, Board Member of NGO European Movement Lithuania.

Švedas has been a civil servant for 20 years and from 2011 an Independent Expert. He is the former Vice-minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, Director of Economic Security Policy Department and Director of Economic Relations Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; former Deputy Permanent Representative (Coreper I) of Lithuania in European Union in Brussels and Counsellor at Lithuanian Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva. Romas Švedas was a member and the Chairman of the Boards of AB Klaipėdos nafta (Oil and LNG terminal), AB Litgrid (electricity TSO), AB Lietuvos dujos (gas company), VĮ Ignalinos atominė elektrinė (nuclear power plant). 2014-2020 Romas Švedas was a member of the Implementation Committee of UN Espoo Convention (where 2017-2020 was the Chair).

During posting in Brussels he took part in the early stages of the Rail Baltica project. Being Vice-Minister of Energy, he was in charge of development of power interconnections Lithuania-Sweden (NordBalt) and Lithuania-Poland (LitPolLink), LNG terminal (Independence), shut down and decommissioning of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant and development of new nuclear power plant in Lithuania, liberalization of power and gas markets in Lithuania while transferring the EU 3rd energy package into Lithuanian legislation.

Romas Švedas is a lawyer and graduate of the Professional Board Member (2010) and Chair (2017) education programmes at the Baltic Institute of the Corporate Governance (BICG).