Preliminary design of the Rail Baltica rolling stock depot, which planned to be built on the border of the city of Tallinn and Rae municipality, has been completed. The design will be completed in the autumn of 2022, after which the construction of the depot will be organized. Rail Baltica’s largest rolling stock depot is […]
New Rail Baltica study launched on opportunities to unlock railway corridor synergies
Rail Baltica joint venture RB Rail AS has signed a contract, valued EUR 116 625, with the Spanish infrastructure consultancy company “Ineco” to identify opportunities to maximize the benefits of the Rail Baltica railway corridor. The study will provide guidance and recommendations for Rail Baltica from a “Dig Once” perspective to better calibrate the necessary […]
The passenger terminal at Rail Baltica Ülemiste will be named Linda
On 15 December, the winners of the future Rail Baltica Ülemiste terminal name competition were announced, which were revealed in a public event. “One very big and important stage in the development of Rail Baltic’s Ülemiste passenger terminal has ended today. Tallinn, and indeed Estonia as a whole, will get an exciting and modern landmark in […]
Kitija Gruškevica joins the Rail Baltica joint venture as the Head of Latvian Branch
On 14 December 2021 Kitija Gruškevica joined the Rail Baltica joint venture RB Rail AS as the Head of Latvian Branch. Kitija Gruškevica is an experienced Board Member and Project Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the real estate development industry. Previously, she has undertaken managerial roles such as Advisor to the Deputy Chairman in Riga City Council, Advisor to the Minister of Interior (2020 – 2021), and the Member of Board at […]
Winners of the Rail Baltica Hackathon 2021 announced
The first Rail Baltica Hackathon took place online from December 10 to 12 and, organised by the Rail Baltica joint venture RB Rail AS and innovation company “Helve”, brought together over 150 innovators and idea generators with a goal to facilitate new ideas around the infrastructure of the future, linking people, nations and […]
Gathering more than 100 participants from the Baltics and Europe, the Rail Baltica hackathon will take place this week
Already this week, on December 10 – 12, the first international online hackathon, organized by Rail Baltica global project coordinator, will take place with the aim to encourage new and innovative ideas and wider society involvement. Hackathon will bring together online more than 100 participants from the Baltics and Europe, working actively for 48 hours […]
Already today Rail Baltica Industry Day will take place online
With an aim to provide a comprehensive overview on the Rail Baltica global project progress, plans and latest significant developments, already today, on 25 November, a digital conference Rail Baltica Industry Day 2021 will be held and broadcasted online. The full program and registration are available on the event’s website During the event the […]
Designing a completely new network is an opportunity to apply the most advanced technologies
With the RB Rail AS continuing series of our partner and supplier stories, this time we interviewed Alfredo Ingletti, who is co-founder, Chairman and Technical Director of 3TI Progetti, an Italian engineering company, ranked at the ENR TOP 225 International design firms, offering consulting services for over 20 years in planning, design, project and construction […]
Invitation to consultation with interested suppliers „Rail Baltica mainline construction in Latvia engineering and construction supervision services”
Rail Baltica project national implementer in Latvia – SIA Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas – on 24th of November 15:00 EEST will organize online consultation with interested suppliers in order to prepare for procurement and to inform about the planned procurement “Rail Baltica mainline construction in Latvia engineering and construction supervision services” and the content of the […]
International tender launched for the Rail Baltica main line construction in Latvia
On 12 November, the Rail Baltica national implementing body in Latvia – company Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas – launched the largest tender for the construction of the Rail Baltica railway line in Latvia. The tender “Rail Baltica main line construction in Latvia” aims for an early contractor involvement to carry out the Rail Baltica mainline, and […]
Rail Baltica Industry Day will take place on 25 November 2021
On 25th November 2021 the Rail Baltica Industry Day will take place online. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the annual Rail Baltica Global Forum, which has already become a tradition with the opportunity to meet in-person, will be transferred to 2022. Instead, the Rail Baltica Industry Day 2021 – a digital conference – is organised […]
First pan-Baltic online hackathon launched to bring innovative ideas to Rail Baltica global project
For the first time Rail Baltica global project coordinator launches fully online hackathon with the aim to facilitate new ideas around the infrastructure of the future, linking people, nations and places. The Rail Baltica Hackathon will bring together over 100 participants from all three Baltic countries and beyond during a fully online 48h hackathon held […]
Rail Baltica design proposals in section Kaunas (Palemonas) – Šveicarija were presented
To ensure that the general public gets acquainted with the Rail Baltica design proposals, the Spanish engineering company IDOM, which is also responsible for the detailed technical design of the Rail Baltica section „Kaunas – Ramygala“ presented the design solutions for section „Kaunas (Palemonas) – Šveicarija“ in Jonava district. The total length of the planned 1435 mm gauge Rail Baltica section „Kaunas (Palemonas) – Šveicarija“ is 19,4 km, of which 14,1 km […]
“Rail Baltica Academy” continues to provide express education
To offer an opportunity to STEM students and the general public interested in railway engineering, planning, innovation, virtual design, construction, environmental and other issues related to the Rail Baltica megaproject, RB Rail AS announces continuation of the “Rail Baltica Academy”. During series of lectures presented by the top experts from the Rail Baltica joint venture […]
Rail Baltica project signs 19,7 million euro grant agreement with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), joint venture of the Baltic States RB Rail AS, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia, the Ministry of Transport of Latvia and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Lithuania signed additional cross-border Grant Agreement on the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding for […]