Rail Baltica progress update and supplier engagement opportunities in 2024: webinar recordings are now available

The Rail Baltica Webinar, held on 9 May, provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s advancements and upcoming procurements, while also discussing its role in fostering sustainable development and supplier engagement opportunities. Experts from Rail Baltica project delivery organizations, including RB Rail AS, Rail Baltic Estonia, Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas, and LTG Infra, participated in the […]

Rail Baltica Webinar tomorrow will highlight supplier engagement opportunities in 2024

The Rail Baltica webinar, scheduled for tomorrow, 9 May, aims to inform current and prospective suppliers and partners about procurement plans for 2024, project progress updates, and to address relevant questions from stakeholders. Taking place from 13:00 to 17:00 (EEST) online, the “Rail Baltica Webinar: Supplier Engagement Opportunities in 2024” will feature experts from Rail […]