Rail Baltica progress update and supplier engagement opportunities in 2024: webinar recordings are now available

The Rail Baltica Webinar, held on 9 May, provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s advancements and upcoming procurements, while also discussing its role in fostering sustainable development and supplier engagement opportunities. Experts from Rail Baltica project delivery organizations, including RB Rail AS, Rail Baltic Estonia, Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas, and LTG Infra, participated in the […]

Rail Baltica Procurement Plan 2022: expected contract value to exceed 2 billion EUR

Rail Baltica global project Procurement Plan for 2022 is announced, providing an overview of the planned tenders, timeline, with the total planned contract amounts exceeding 2 billion euros.   In 2022, the Rail Baltica project delivery organisations plan to advance with next phases of the already started construction and consolidated material tenders, as well as launch […]

Invitation to the Rail Baltica Procurement Webinar 2022

The role and priority of Rail Baltica global project in the present geopolitical situation is increasing. Therefore, with aim to update the existing and potential suppliers and key partners on the Rail Baltica global project progress, inform about the procurement plans for 2022, and address supplier questions regarding procurement and contracting, the Rail Baltica Procurement […]